Don’t like it? Design it!
I have seen many handbags that I liked but none of them is a must have. I wanted something chic, classy, unique and all my own. Then I came upon this site where you can customize your own handbag. It is called 1154 Lill Studio — Est. 1999 (The Original Custom Handbag Company) and the site is 1154lill. There are many sites that allow you to customize your own handbag but I think by far this is the best one yet. You are able to choose the type of bag and the type of fabric. This site also let your creativity pour out by allowing you to choose the print for the exterior, interior, flap, and strap! There are so many options laid out in front of you that it might inspire you to become a handbag designer. At least, that’s how I felt when I was exploring this site. Here are some of the handbags that I designed on this site. =)