I was browsing on Nordstrom’s site, looking for new handbags to buy when I came across this gorgeous clutch. By now, you should know that I like floral textured bags, so you can see why this one appealed to me. This rose may not be as delicately made as Valentino’s flowers or Christian Louboutin’s petals on some of his clutches, but this clutch still resembles a real flower and is beautiful. It is a Sondra Roberts clutch, someone who I am actually not too familiar with. This ‘Rose’ Satin Box Clutch is a boxy clutch with an interior slip pocket, with a jeweled clasp that comes with an optional chain strap, all wrapped by satin petals that make up the rose. It might be small for some of you, but I think it is the perfect size to carry to a black tie event. This clutch measures 6” by 4” by 1.25” and the optional strap has a drop length of 11”. Personally, I would probably wear the strap because I feel like I would ruin the rose by grabbing it. I would love to get this in fuchsia as the white and black tend to not show the details of the flower as much. Love it too? You can get this at Nordstrom for $98.