Hermes Birkin Handbag Still Popular?
For those of you who have not heard of Hermes, you are in for a treat! Hermes is a French company known for their exquisite line of elegant leather handbags. Hermes makes very high-end handbags and charges an arm and a leg for their products.
The bag you see above is the Hermes Birkin. It is one of Hermes extremely well known handbag styles. This handbag is over a decade old, but is still selling in the Hermes’ boutiques. I’m not too sure if this bag is still popular anymore because I don’t see many people with this handbag. As a matter of fact, I don’t see many people wear Hermes handbags in general. It could be the current economic status… People are just not spending as they used to spend in the past. What do you think?
Thank you , Leisa Townsend