Occasional Handbags
This section will help viewers decide which designer handbag, designer purse, luggage, or accessory is right for them!
Designer Bags for Mommy
My older sister only recently stopped carrying around the baby bag that she used to use for my absolutely adorable nephew. Thank goodness. That baby bag was bulky, big, and not very pretty. Fortunately for mothers who just happen to love their designer bags, there are a number of stylish and very useful baby bags. Coach, Louis Vuitton, Kate Spade... -
Is Your Bag Saving the World?
Maybe the better question is — CAN it? Almost everywhere you look today more and more places are selling reusable canvas totes. At Wal-Mart you can get one for a dollar, at Albertsons you can donate any monetary amount and get one. Even Macy’s has one for two dollars and all their bags there usually sell for well over $50... -
Looking for the Perfect Travel Companion?
One of the most common questions I hear everyone ask (especially during the holiday season) is “Which luggage should I take?” Everyone is faced with the question, which piece should I check in at the airport, which piece will they allow me as a carry on, which one is easy to carry? Many times I just say to people a...