ST-20229 (Shoulder Tote)

ST-20088 (Tulip Tote)

I did not know there were different types of leather before working for RIONI. I was told that some of the leather handbags changes in color over time. Well that kind of sucks because you want the bag to look the way when you first bought it right? Well, I realize that’s not true in all of the cases and now I know why RIONI is so unique and special.

I learned that the leather that is used in some of the RIONI handbags is the type of leather called Vachetta Leather, which changes color over time due to sunlight exposure. With RIONI handbags, the owner is able to personalize their handbag by simply using it. Each bag has a different character and touch.

The rate of change depends on the amount of sunlight exposure and for those who want a slow gradual change; you may apply leather care products such as Pecard’s Leather Dressing. Pecard’s Leather Dressing helps preserve and condition the leather.  Not only can the owner add their personal touch, they can control the rate of age by putting various products as well!  Awesome!