The world’s most expensive what? A watch? At first glance, it looks like a diamond-incrusted monstrosity that dangles from one’s wrist. Made with a total of 874 diamonds and coming in at 162.86 carats, the Chopard 201 is the world’s most expensive watch. The Chopard watch is valued at a whopping $25,000,000. Ladies and gentlemen, count those zeros. The watch contains a spring-loaded system that opens up the three large diamond hearts to reveal the actual watch face. Call me crazy, but I just want to know the time without getting bombarded with diamonds.
Aside from the ridiculous price tag, the Chopard 201 isn’t the most stylish watch to own. There’s a little thing that I like to call the Expensive Syndrome, whereby the world’s most expensive (insert random item) claims the title but fails to deliver on style. Well, money can buy you pricey things, but it can’t always buy you style.