For the Equestrian and Fendi Lover
This bag is definitely for the equestrian and Fendi lover, and not at a bad price either! This bag is called the Fendi Zucca Seleria canvas horse tote. It is a black and brown canvas logo tote with black leather horse head silhouette at front. It has two top leather handles with stitch detail, black leather trim, brand name in gold at bottom front, internal leather designer tag and is fully lined in multicolor houndstooth. The dimensions of the bags measures Height 15"xWidth 14"xDepth 5" with a handle drop 4".
This bag can easily become a classic with a modern twist. I would definitely carry this one especially since it's seasonal, and at a reasonable price. The only thing that I didn't like, that killed the deal was the short handle drop. However, if you're interested in purchasing this bag you can get it at Net-A-Porter for $595. They are currently sold out, but you can add it to your wishlist and they'll email you when it becomes available.