Gucci Bamboo Handbag — Expensive and Ridiculous
Yesterday, while shopping in Beverly Hills with my good friend, I saw many beautiful handbags. When we arrived at the Gucci store, my friend pointed at the Gucci Bamboo Handbag and asked me for my opinion on it. I hated it and it was the most hideous handbag I saw the entire day! I told her my honest opinion of the bag, but she disagreed. She was in love.
So, we went to ask the sales clerk how much the bag cost. She said that the bag was $1700! Not only did my jaw drop, I started seeing stars! Who would pay that much for such an ugly handbag? The bag was too small, unpractical, ugly and insanely expensive. But, my friend was still in love. She actually thought the bag was well worth every penny.
So, is my friend nuts or am I just psycho? Please let me know…