Ever struggle so hard on what to get for your mother on Mother’s Day? Struggle so hard that slamming your head a couple of times against a wall just for inspiration became a viable solution? Nothing ever seems good enough because we all know that our mothers are one of the nearest and dearest companions we could ever ask for in life. Yes, the time has come my friends! Let us joyously bloody those walls in celebration of honoring mothers all around the world. Each splat of blood is worth it when it comes to my mother.
Let me describe my mother to all of you. She’s motivational, influential, caring, overly considerate, loving, nurturing, has the heart of gold, sly, brilliant, beautiful, fashionable, ageless, classy, and priceless. I know what you’re all thinking, “Is she human?” Well, I wonder sometimes. So what do you get a woman you’ve known all your life? I was planning on the typical flowers and a stylish handbag, but the urge to shock my mother just sprung out. It was not a smart idea if I might add because who would want to blind their mothers?
Happy Mother’s Day mom! Let me hold your gift up to the sun with an exuberant amount of cheesy exaggeration so that I can blind you with it! Just hold this Michael Kors “Grayson” bag up in the sun and let the bag do its job. The dramatic mirror finish seems like a little bit too much, but at the same time it’s just enough to add shine to anyone. It has a cell phone pocket and key clip (my mother is a serial key tosser) just in case you are the type that will lose your keys after tossing it anywhere. It only costs $298 at Nordstrom’s so why not blind our mothers together?