Louis Vuitton Beauty

I think this bag is quite cute and I am in love with the way this bag sits on any surface. The bag is like a soft couch cushion molding to the contours of one's buttocks. This is the type of bag that you just throw on the couch after you've finished a long day's work. Enough with the fun talk; it's time for some serious handbag critiquing.
Now let me tell you about the pros and cons of this handbag. The spacing between the handle and the opening is oval-shaped, which makes this bag a lot easier to wear. However, when I say "wear," I mean on your forearm ONLY! There is no way that you could wear this handbag over your shoulder unless you are blessed with a model's physique. The metal hardware clasp is quite elegantly constucted and here I go again with the "however..." However, to some extent it can become an atrocious nuisance.
Close your eyes and imagine this scenario, well don't actually close your eyes but try to visualize what I am about to tell you. The scene begins with your little Johnny; he just developed a fever of 102 degrees and the teenage babysitter, Sally, that you hired for a $1.50 from Craigslist doesn't know how to handle the situation; therefore, she decides to call your cell phone (which you left for her to call only in the case of emergencies). Your cell phone begins to ring and as you fumble with the metal clasp on your adorable Louis Vuitton handbag, your embarrassing "Fergie" ringtone continues to chant "Fergilicious." Finally, wiping off the sweat from your forehead, you get the darn purse open but miss the phone call. Unfortunately, since you set your house number to private, it shows "Private Number" on your cell phone call log. You think to yourself for a minute, who could it be? And to great dismay, you cannot figure out who just called.
For now I'll leave the rest of the story up to the viewers’ imagination.