If you been to Downtown Los Angeles, you may or may not know that there is a part of Downtown LA called the fashion district. I having never been there thought what a wonderful place to go on my next trip to LA. Let me tell you it was quite the experience.
First off, 9th street isn't they type of place you would want to stick around in when it gets dark and the vendors there feel the same way. At about 4 pm, you begin to hear the crashing sounds of large steel doors from all vendors locking up the doors. "That's odd," I thought to myself, "Why are they closing so early?" This didn't stop me from shopping though, I didn't think much of it and proceeded to splurge shop since I wasn't coming back here anytime soon. But the longer I shopped the more uneasy I felt. I started to see a lot more people begging for money and they seemed to be a lot more aggressive at it too! But when I got to 9th street I definitely knew why the vendors closed up because I witnessed a robbery. After that I was done, I called my friend to pick me up immediately. Hate to say it but... When in Rome, Do what the Romans do.