I never really liked transparent handbags; but every so often, I see a gal flaunting one and they act as if they were somebody important. Why do people buy them then?
People buy transparent handbags for several reasons. First of all, they need it for their job. Many TSA workers or bank employees are required to put their belongings in transparent handbags for security reasons. Secondly, people want to be fashionable. I’m not sure if these bags are still popular, but many wear these transparent bags as a fashion statement. Lastly, these bags are cheap. Many people cannot say no to something that is ridiculously cheap. Well, now that you know why people buy them. I would like to educate you on why I personally do not buy them!
I dislike transparent handbags for multiple reasons. The first reason is obvious. I do not want everybody to see what I have inside my purse. It is not that wonderful to show off to the entire world that you have tampons inside your purse. What if I happen to have a lot of cash lying around inside my purse? I basically will be inviting thieves and pickpockets to target me. Secondly, I do not like the fact that it is made of plastic. Plastic looks cheap and over time, it will discolor and become blurry. Finally, these types of bags are not durable. Why spend money on something that doesn’t last? I hope I have shown my point.
Any thoughts?
im really like your transparent tote bag but i do not know how to order
are u in Malaysia?