Everyone who claims to know their handbag must know what the Hermes Birkin Bag is. I would vigorously shake my head until the point of it spinning a 360 like in “The Exorcist” movie if the Birkin Bag is unknown to anyone. The Birkin Bag is known as a symbol of wealth (I would know because I Wikipedia searched it) costing about $9,000 to the cost of your soul $150,000. This impossibly pricey handbag is limited in quantity and known to be exclusively made. Sorry, but might I point out that this is a down payment on a house??? It has a very distinct look that can be seen in tons of replicas.
One replica that caught my attention was on seen on www.Shoedazzle.com. The website had brilliant commercials aired on television which inspired my coworker to do a little shopping. Shoedazzle has their version of a Hermes Birkin Bag LUGGAGE. Feast your eyes on an extremely elongated Birkin Bag. It looked rather ridiculous at first, but after staring at this piece of luggage for awhile I came to realize it isn’t that bad. It’s a well structured luggage that anyone can come to appreciate especially since the cost is only $49. The name for it is the “High Roller.” The faux-patent leather & nylon luggage is an attention getter. Check it out if you have the time.