How to Wear the Louis Vuitton Neverfull
Many people purchase the Neverfull tote bag from Louis Vuitton, but don’t know its hidden capabilities. Everybody knows that the bag is practical and can be used to hold a lot of their belongings. However, was that all it was designed for though? Read on and I’ll show you the way the Neverfull was meant to be worn.
The Neverfull tote bag is opened and closed by a simple clip in the center interior of the bag. This makes this handbag an easy target for pickpockets. So what should Neverfull owners do? The side edges of the Louis Vuitton Neverfull tote bag can be folded in to look like the above picture. When folded, it makes the gaps smaller; which in turn discourages pickpockets from targeting you. Folding your Louis Vuitton Neverfull also makes it seem like a completely different style bag. It also allows for easier mobility (the large Neverfull tote bag can be too protruding making you prone to bumping into your surroundings). Well gals, there you have it! Go on ahead and change the look of your Louis Vuitton Neverfull immediately!