In the fashion world, there are always pieces that come and go that are considered “edgy”. However, quite often a piece comes along that falls firmly outside of edgy territory into what could only be considered outlandish. Here, we’ve uncovered two jaw-droppingly unique, compelling, and dare we say it, slightly disturbing pieces into one collection for you to enjoy. What do you think? Would you wear any of these bags?
The Head Handbag by Yael Mur

Far and away the most visually disturbing of all of the handbags we looked at; this head handbag will undoubtedly get people’s attention — and then probably make them avoid you like the plague. Created by designer Yael Mer, the bag is apparently based on the biblical story of Judith and Holofernes, and the visual representations of that story that were created during the Renaissance. You know, some lighthearted material…
The X-ray Handbag

The X-Ray handbag collection, created by a company called X-Posed, is a much more lighthearted handbag, and is probably the ideal airline carry-on bag for frequent travelers with a sense of humor. The bags are available in cosmetic, grocery, and tote bag sizes. Made from a durable, non-woven plastic fiber, we can’t help but be tickled at the idea of watching this bag come off of the x-ray belt at airport security; although, we’re guessing that the image of the gun on the tote bag might make this bag one that is best left at home.