Have you noticed that less people are carrying Gucci handbags these days? If you haven’t noticed, I suggest you start counting the women that are carrying Gucci handbags. You will notice that the number is quite small compared to what you used to see in the past. Why is this?
Many women are no longer purchasing Gucci handbags because they claim that the bags no longer hold their values. How so you may ask? Well, Gucci is constantly giving sales and mark-downs on their merchandise. This makes consumer feel that their Gucci bag that they just purchased went down in value. Consumers rather purchase a Louis Vuitton or Chanel handbag because these companies never put their merchandise on sale. As a matter of fact, they are constantly increasing their prices. This makes consumers want to get in on the action. Consumers feel that they are buying into an investment, for the price will continue to go up and never down. The logic behind this makes sense, r ight?
So what do you all think about this?