When you're in the market for a high-end handbag, you will undoubtedly start to notice the number of bags being advertised with a very heavy emphasis on the specific type of leather from which they are made. With so many options available on the market, each type of leather possesses specific qualities that will inform how a handbag will wear over time. Before you commit yourself to parting with an investment bag amount of cash, it's a good idea to get to know some of the most popular types of leather used in the making of luxury handbags, and become familiar with how they might wear over time.
Vachetta leather is a type of untreated leather that was originally developed by Louis Vuitton. Historically, it has been used as the trim in high-end handbags, although it has recently become more popular as the main type of leather in a handbag, due to the weathered natural patina and deepened honey=toned color that it develops from use over a period of time. Vachetta leather is untreated, and therefore is more susceptible to water-spotting and discoloration.
Napa leather is the most popular type of leather used in making handbags, and is a general term that encompasses kid, calf, and lamb leathers. Napa leather is available in either full-grain or corrected-grain, and is tanned — a process that gives it the lightweight and silky feel that it is so known for. Because Napa leather is so supple and light, it wears well and is an excellent choice if you want a lasting finish to your handbag.