Why is my designer handbags so heavy?
Have you ever wondered why your Louis Vuitton handbag was so heavy? Are you a victim of backward rationalizing–thinking that it must be because I put too much things inside my bag or perhaps you may be in denial that your handbag is a little bit on the heavy side. Well, in this post I want to teach you about designer handbags and the parts that contribute to its heftiness.
One sturdy participator for handbag weight is its hardware. By just looking at the hardware, you can already judge the quality of a handbag. Designer handbag companies take into consideration the weight of their handbags, so they are very selective when it comes to choosing the metal hardware for their handbags. However, many times they need to make sacrifices by incorporating heavier metals because it may properly suit the contours of the bag. There are several reasons why these metals can start to weigh down your handbag. Handbag hardware is anodized for longevity purposes. Cheaper hardware is painted and is likely chip or tarnish over a short period of time. Metals are one contributor, but we must not forget the primary contributor to the beefiness.
The canvas on designer handbags plays a significant role in handbag weight. Designer handbag companies such as: Louis Vuitton, Dooney & Bourke, and Rioni all use this heavy canvas material. The pros for using canvas are its durability and aesthetics; the tradeoffs being the weight issue and the fact that it isn’t composed of leather. Well girls, pain is beauty and we are just going to have to deal with these facts.
So, in the future there is no need to be in denial or wonder why your handbag continues to gives you aches and pain. You now know the truth concerning the contributors that weigh down those beautiful irresistible handbags.