If you love fashion, most likely you have more than one handbag in your wardrobe. Even those who wouldn't consider themselves fashion-minded have likely got a few reliable bags for different occasions in different shapes, sizes, or materials. But whether you're a die-hard fashionista or a bare necessities minimalist, when it comes to your handbags, one thing holds true; if...
2014 was an exceptional year for handbags. At Fashion week, everything from the tiniest of mini bags to oversized fashion editor-sized totes, just about every style under the sun was spotted on the arms of the fashion cognoscenti. However, this year, the fashion world gave us something that we haven't seen in such abundance since the graphic, technicolor designs of...
Ask anyone who takes an interest in the handbag industry, and they will tell you that the late 90's to the early 2000's was the pinnacle of the “it bag” era. We all remember the Fendi Spy Bag, which originally cost about $2,000, and still goes for about $600 today for a vintage version that is in decent condition. But...
If you've made the decision to invest in a new handbag, suitcase, or other type of leather goods, You will notice pretty quickly how many different options are available to you, and at a variety of price points. There are several different types of leather, and all too often retailers are commanding high-end prices for leather goods that although may...
During the Spring 2015 collections at Paris Fashion Week, something that could only be described as a disturbance in the force of handbag karma took place. For the first time in recent memory, daytime handbags have shrunk exponentially in size, providing fashion lovers with an alternative to the oversized totes and satchel bags that have dominated the scene for such...
When you think of the storied auction house Christie’s, handbags are probably not the first thing to come to mind. Rare paintings, antiquities, and expensive pieces of jewellery are what we’ve come to expect at a big ticket auction, so it is quite a testament to just how big a player the designer handbag industry has become that handbags have...
The ever-changing face of what's trendy in the fashion world has morphed once again, this time taking the form of a fresh new crop of handbags for spring 2015. It's true that the past few fashion cycles have seen a lot of different handbag styles come and go. Pouches, cross-body bags, buckets, trapezoidal totes, and fold over clutches (among others...
There's no denying that the high-end designer handbag trade is big business; so big in fact, that it has spawned a whole secondary industry of counterfeit goods. However, the high demand and collectable nature of designer handbags has also spawned another type of secondary industry, the authentic second-hand luxury goods retailer. While the presence of high-end consignment stores in and...
As tempting as it is to run out and purchase the season's most popular handbag as soon as the last model walks off of the runway at Fashion Week, the savviest fashionista will usually wait a while, even as long as a few months, just to make absolutely sure that she is not spending an investment amount of money on...
With the advent of smartphones, a whole new genre has opened up for accessories designers. Instead of being just a thing that holds a gadget, smartphone cases have become an accessory in their own right. Designers are branching-out from the traditional functional rubber sleeves that we all know and recognize, and spreading their design wings in many new directions. This...