Louis Vuitton's New Travel Accessory - A Travelling Control Freak's Dream
Louis Vuitton's New Travel Accessory - A Travelling Control Freak's Dream
We've been talking a lot about Louis Vuitton here on the blog lately, and for good reason. It would seem that the brand really has its finger on the pulse of what makes classic handbag enthusiasts tick. Their latest offering, while not strictly a handbag per se, is yet another example of just how well the iconic design house seems to know its audience.
This time around, the brand has dipped its toe into the waters of the gadget industry, and come up with a gadget that for the small sum of $370 (a drop in the ocean if you consider the cost of a piece of Louis Vuitton luggage starts right around three grand), will soothe the anxious minds of control-minded travelers everywhere.
The Louis Vuitton Echo is essentially a tracking device that fits neatly to the inside of your suitcase, allowing you to track the whereabouts of your bag via their Louis Vuitton Pass app. The Echo has to be in an airport that supports the technology (not all are up and running yet but many are), and once your bag is detected in said airport, the app will send you a notification that your bag has arrived. The Echo is also equipped with a light sensor so that you can tell if your luggage has been opened while it was out of your custody.
While we can all relate to the heartache, and subsequent headache that ensues when you are standing at the baggage claim and that “last bag†marker comes down the belt and your bag is nowhere in sight, we are less convinced by Louis Vuitton's latest offering. There is after all, a limit to the amount of control one actually has over what happens to his or her checked baggage once it is carried-off on that big rubber belt at the check-in desk. However, initial sales of the Echo seem to be promising - despite the fact that if we're being totally honest with ourselves, getting an early notification via app that your luggage has arrived doesn't actually change the likelihood that it might not arrive at all. Really, the only question here is, how much is it worth to you to get a little peace of mind some of the time, about something that you can control exactly none of the time?