While strolling around the mall to do some early X-Mas shopping I came to realize I just saw Hello Kitty in every possible kid store! What is this? The Japanese take over? Not that I have anything against the confounded cuteness, but it is kind of scary. Everywhere I turn, and in every possible hidden corner is Hello Kitty with three dots that make up her entire face. Where’s the mouth? At first I had no idea what a Hello Kitty was. It was when I started noticing the blasted white cat in every female store AND on women’s purses! Hello Kitty was spotted on Vans branded shoes, plush dolls, blinging jewelry, nails, clothes, Jansport backpacks, waffle irons, televisions, alarm clocks, microwaves, bedding, and any possible thing anyone can ever imagine. You name it she’s on it. *Shivers* She is seen on inanimate AND animate objects! I saw a friggin Hello Kitty mascot walk by me while I was walking by a Hello Kitty infested store (Sanrio). The image of the endearing kitten was killed when the mascot greeted me with a male voice. *Double shivers*