Today, I feel like going a little bit off tangent by introducing a new topic–beauty. It all began when I was walking down the street of Santa Monica Blvd one afternoon.  I couldn’t help but notice something particularly odd. All the young ladies were fully accessorized. What I mean by “accessorized” is that these girls had their hair done, makeup done, wore matching shoes and clothes, and of course, most importantly, carried their designer handbags. I then decided to count how many of the girls I passed looked unappealing (the opposite of accessorized). To no great surprise, about 80% of the girls were fully accessorized. However, at the same time I also noticed that only about 25% of the men were presentable. “Why was this?” Well, I did some research and found out why this was so.

It is a natural evolutionary trait for women to care about their beauty and appearance. Women naturally make themselves beautiful to attract their future bringer of offspring. But, we already know that Jen; stop jabbering about things we already know! Okay, my point is that women go to great extents to prove this simple and obvious fact. Women are patient creatures. We girls do not make the first move when it comes to relationships. We will wait as long as it may take for the man to make the first move. Am I right, ladies? In order to prepare for this long and torturous diligent journey, we need to make ourselves look beautiful so we can stand out and perhaps catch a man’s attention. For example, since I know that most men don’t find short hair attractive, I continue to keep my hair the way it is–long past my shoulders. This is what we girls have to deal with in order to win over men. What a nuisance, why don’t we just stay single? Well, evolution is a big contributor to ensure that this idea of isolation does not come into play. In order for the human race to survive, we humans need to continue to reproduce. So in conclusion, men are essential, but only for the act of mating. ;)